org.math.plot.PlotPanel Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for org.math.plot.PlotPanel:

org.math.plot.Plot2DPanel org.math.plot.Plot3DPanel List of all members.

Detailed Description

BSD License


Definition at line 33 of file

Public Member Functions

 PlotPanel (PlotCanvas _canvas, String legendOrientation)
 PlotPanel (PlotCanvas _canvas)
void addLegend (String location)
void removeLegend ()
void setLegendOrientation (String location)
void addPlotToolBar (String location)
void removePlotToolBar ()
void setPlotToolBarOrientation (String location)
void setActionMode (int am)
void setNoteCoords (boolean b)
void setEditable (boolean b)
boolean getEditable ()
void setNotable (boolean b)
boolean getNotable ()
LinkedList< PlotgetPlots ()
Plot getPlot (int i)
int getPlotIndex (Plot p)
LinkedList< PlotablegetPlotables ()
Plotable getPlotable (int i)
Axis getAxis (int i)
String[] getAxisScales ()
void setAxisLabels (String...labels)
void setAxisLabel (int axe, String label)
void setAxisScales (String...scales)
void setAxisScale (int axe, String scale)
void setFixedBounds (double[] min, double[] max)
void setFixedBounds (int axe, double min, double max)
void includeInBounds (double...into)
void includeInBounds (Plot plot)
void setAutoBounds ()
void setAutoBounds (int axe)
double[][] mapData (Object[][] stringdata)
void resetMapData ()
void addLabel (String text, Color c, double...where)
void addBaseLabel (String text, Color c, double...where)
void addPlotable (Plotable p)
void removePlotable (Plotable p)
void removePlotable (int i)
int addPlot (Plot newPlot)
int addPlot (String type, String name, double[]...v)
void setPlot (int I, Plot p)
void changePlotData (int I, double[]...XY)
void changePlotName (int I, String name)
void changePlotColor (int I, Color c)
void removePlot (int I)
void removePlot (Plot p)
void removeAllPlots ()
void addVectortoPlot (int numPlot, double[][] v)
void addQuantiletoPlot (int numPlot, int numAxe, double rate, boolean symetric, double[] q)
void addQuantiletoPlot (int numPlot, int numAxe, double rate, boolean symetric, double q)
void addQuantilestoPlot (int numPlot, int numAxe, double[][] q)
void addQuantilestoPlot (int numPlot, int numAxe, double[] q)
void addGaussQuantilestoPlot (int numPlot, int numAxe, double[] s)
void addGaussQuantilestoPlot (int numPlot, int numAxe, double s)
void toGraphicFile (File file) throws IOException

Static Public Member Functions

static void main (String[] args)

Public Attributes

PlotToolBar plotToolBar
PlotCanvas plotCanvas
LegendPanel plotLegend

Static Public Attributes

static final String EAST = BorderLayout.EAST
static final String SOUTH = BorderLayout.SOUTH
static final String NORTH = BorderLayout.NORTH
static final String WEST = BorderLayout.WEST
static final String INVISIBLE = "INVISIBLE"
static final String SCATTER = "SCATTER"
static final String LINE = "LINE"
static final String BAR = "BAR"
static final String HISTOGRAM = "HISTOGRAM"
static final String BOX = "BOX"
static final String STAIRCASE = "STAIRCASE"
static final String GRID = "GRID"
static final Color[] COLORLIST = { Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.YELLOW, Color.ORANGE, Color.PINK, Color.CYAN, Color.MAGENTA }

Protected Member Functions

Color getNewColor ()

Member Function Documentation

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.addLegend ( String  location  ) 

Defines where the legend of the plot should be added to the plot panel.

location Location where should be put the legend (String). location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, INVISIBLE (legend will be hidden in this case). Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to the error output.

Definition at line 95 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.EAST, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.INVISIBLE, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.NORTH, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotLegend, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.SOUTH, and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.WEST.

Referenced by org.math.plot.PlotPanel.PlotPanel(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setLegendOrientation().

00095                                                {
00096                 if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(EAST)) {
00097                         plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.VERTICAL);
00098                         add(plotLegend, EAST);
00099                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(SOUTH)) {
00100                         plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.HORIZONTAL);
00101                         add(plotLegend, SOUTH);
00102                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(WEST)) {
00103                         plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.VERTICAL);
00104                         add(plotLegend, WEST);
00105                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(NORTH)) {
00106                         plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.HORIZONTAL);
00107                         add(plotLegend, NORTH);
00108                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(INVISIBLE)) {
00109                         plotLegend = new LegendPanel(this, LegendPanel.INVISIBLE);
00110                         // add(legends, BorderLayout.NORTH);
00111                 } else
00112                         System.err.println("Orientation " + location + " is unknonw.");
00113         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.removeLegend (  ) 

Removes the current legend from the plot panel.

Definition at line 118 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotLegend.

Referenced by org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setLegendOrientation().

00118                                    {
00119                 remove(plotLegend);
00120         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setLegendOrientation ( String  location  ) 

Moves the legend to the specified location.

location Location where should be put the legend (String). location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, INVISIBLE (legend will be hidden in this case). Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to the error output.

Definition at line 131 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.addLegend(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.removeLegend().

Referenced by org.math.plot.plots.ScatterPlot.main(), org.math.plot.plots.LinePlot.main(), org.math.plot.plots.GridPlot3D.main(), org.math.plot.plots.CloudPlot3D.main(), org.math.plot.plots.CloudPlot2D.main(), org.math.plot.plots.BarPlot.main(), org.math.plot.PlotPanel.main(), and org.math.plot.plotObjects.RasterImage.main().

00131                                                           {
00132                 removeLegend();
00133                 addLegend(location);
00134         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.addPlotToolBar ( String  location  ) 

Adds a new plot toolbar to the specified location. The previous toolbar is deleted.

location Location where should be put the toolbar (String). location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH. Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to the error output.

Definition at line 145 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.EAST, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.NORTH, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotToolBar, org.math.plot.PlotPanel.removePlotToolBar(), org.math.plot.PlotPanel.SOUTH, and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.WEST.

Referenced by org.math.plot.PlotPanel.PlotPanel(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setPlotToolBarOrientation().

00145                                                     {
00146                 if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(EAST)) {
00147                         removePlotToolBar();
00148                         plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
00149                         plotToolBar.setFloatable(false);
00150                         add(plotToolBar, EAST);
00151                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(SOUTH)) {
00152                         removePlotToolBar();
00153                         plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
00154                         plotToolBar.setFloatable(false);
00155                         add(plotToolBar, SOUTH);
00156                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(WEST)) {
00157                         removePlotToolBar();
00158                         plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
00159                         plotToolBar.setFloatable(false);
00160                         add(plotToolBar, WEST);
00161                 } else if (location.equalsIgnoreCase(NORTH)) {
00162                         removePlotToolBar();
00163                         plotToolBar = new PlotToolBar(this);
00164                         plotToolBar.setFloatable(false);
00165                         add(plotToolBar, NORTH);
00166                 } else
00167                         System.err.println("Location " + location + " is unknonw.");
00168         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.removePlotToolBar (  ) 

Removes the plot toolbar from the panel.

Definition at line 173 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotToolBar.

Referenced by org.math.plot.PlotPanel.addPlotToolBar().

00173                                         {
00174                 if (plotToolBar == null)
00175                         return;
00176                 remove(plotToolBar);
00177         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setPlotToolBarOrientation ( String  location  ) 

Moves the plot toolbar to the specified location.

location Location where should be put the toolbar (String). location can have the following values (case insensitive): EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH. Any other value will be ignored and an error message will be sent to the error output.

Definition at line 187 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.addPlotToolBar().

00187                                                                {
00188                 addPlotToolBar(location);
00189         }

Axis org.math.plot.PlotPanel.getAxis ( int  i  ) 

Return the axis specified in parameter.

i Axis number. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
The axis which number is given in parameter.

Definition at line 248 of file

References org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.getGrid(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas.

Referenced by org.math.plot.plotObjects.Axis.main().

00248                                    {
00249                 return plotCanvas.getGrid().getAxis(i);
00250         }

String [] org.math.plot.PlotPanel.getAxisScales (  ) 

Returns the scaling for all of the axis of the plot.

An array of String

Definition at line 257 of file

References org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.getAxisScales(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas.

00257                                         {
00258                 return plotCanvas.getAxisScales();
00259         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setAxisLabels ( String...  labels  ) 

Sets the name of the axis, in this order: X, Y and Z.

labels One to three strings containing the name of each axis.

Definition at line 266 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setAxisLabels().

00266                                                     {
00267                 plotCanvas.setAxisLabels(labels);
00268         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setAxisLabel ( int  axe,
String  label 

Sets the name of the axis specified in parameter.

axe Axis number. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
label Name to be given.

Definition at line 275 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setAxisLabel().

Referenced by org.math.plot.DataSelectPanel.main().

00275                                                         {
00276                 plotCanvas.setAxisLabel(axe, label);
00277         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setAxisScales ( String...  scales  ) 

Sets the scale of the axes, linear or logarithm, in this order: X,Y,Z.

scales Strings containing the scaling, LOG or LIN (case insensitive) for the axes.

Definition at line 283 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setAxisScales().

00283                                                     {
00284                 plotCanvas.setAxisScales(scales);
00285         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setAxisScale ( int  axe,
String  scale 

Sets the scaling of the specified axis.

axe Axis number. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
scale String specifying the scaling. LIN or LOG, case insensitive.

Definition at line 292 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setAxiScale().

Referenced by org.math.plot.plotObjects.Axis.main().

00292                                                         {
00293                 plotCanvas.setAxiScale(axe, scale);
00294         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setFixedBounds ( double[]  min,
double[]  max 

Sets the boundaries for each axis.

min Array of at most 3 doubles specifying the min bound of each axis, in this order: X,Y,Z.
max Array of at most 3 doubles specifying the max bound of each axis, in this order: X,Y,Z.

Definition at line 301 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setFixedBounds().

00301                                                                {
00302                 plotCanvas.setFixedBounds(min, max);
00303         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setFixedBounds ( int  axe,
double  min,
double  max 

Sets the boundaries for the specified axis.

axe Axis number to modify. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.
min Min bound of the axis.
max Max bound of the axis.

Definition at line 311 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setFixedBounds().

00311                                                                     {
00312                 plotCanvas.setFixedBounds(axe, min, max);
00313         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.includeInBounds ( double...  into  ) 

Modify bounds of the axes so as to include the point given in parameter.

into Coords of the point to include in bounds.

Definition at line 319 of file

References org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.includeInBounds(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas.

00319                                                     {
00320                 plotCanvas.includeInBounds(into);
00321         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.includeInBounds ( Plot  plot  ) 

Modify axes boundaries so as to include all the points of a given plot.

plot Plot to include.

Definition at line 327 of file

References org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.includeInBounds(), and org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas.

00327                                                {
00328                 plotCanvas.includeInBounds(plot);
00329         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setAutoBounds (  ) 

Set bounds automatically.

Definition at line 334 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setAutoBounds().

00334                                     {
00335                 plotCanvas.setAutoBounds();
00336         }

void org.math.plot.PlotPanel.setAutoBounds ( int  axe  ) 

Set bounds automatically for one axis.

axe Number of the axis to modify. 0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z.

Definition at line 342 of file

References org.math.plot.PlotPanel.plotCanvas, and org.math.plot.canvas.PlotCanvas.setAutoBounds().

00342                                            {
00343                 plotCanvas.setAutoBounds(axe);
00344         }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Sep 5 21:44:02 2007 for jmathplot by  doxygen 1.5.1